Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Lab Hanoi Tower

Monday, January 08, 2007

Lab Squared Array

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Lab Sorting

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Lab Static Method, Part II

public class complex
private double i,r;
public void setNumber(double a,double b)
public void add(complex num)
public void Output()
System.out.println("the answe="+i+"+"+r+"i");

Monday, December 18, 2006

Lab Static Method

Monday, December 11, 2006

Java Overloading

package pace01;

import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

public class DateSixthTry
private String month;
private int day;
private int year; //a four digit number.

public void setDate(int monthInt, int day, int year)
if (dateOK(monthInt, day, year))
this.month = monthString(monthInt);
this.day = day;
this.year = year;
System.out.println("Fatal Error");

public void setDate(String monthString, int day, int year)
if (dateOK(monthString, day, year))
this.month = monthString;
this.day = day;
this.year = year;
System.out.println("Fatal Error");

public void setDate(int year)
setDate(1, 1, year);

private boolean dateOK(int monthInt, int dayInt, int yearInt)
return ( (monthInt >= 1) && (monthInt <= 12) &&
(dayInt >= 1) && (dayInt <= 31) &&
(yearInt >= 1000) && (yearInt <= 9999) );

private boolean dateOK(String monthString, int dayInt, int yearInt)
return ( monthOK(monthString) &&
(dayInt >= 1) && (dayInt <= 31) &&
(yearInt >= 1000) && (yearInt <= 9999) );

private boolean monthOK(String month)
return (month.equals("January") || month.equals("February") ||
month.equals("March") || month.equals("April") ||
month.equals("May") || month.equals("June") ||
month.equals("July") || month.equals("August") ||
month.equals("September") || month.equals("October") ||
month.equals("November") || month.equals("December") );

public void readInput( )
boolean tryAgain = true;
String keyboard=JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter keybord");

while (tryAgain)
System.out.println("Enter month, day, and year.");
System.out.println("Do not use a comma.");
String monthInput = keyboard;
int dayInput = Integer.parseInt(keyboard);
int yearInput = Integer.parseInt(keyboard);
if (dateOK(monthInput, dayInput, yearInput) )
setDate(monthInput, dayInput, yearInput);
tryAgain = false;
System.out.println("Illegal date. Reenter input.");

public void writeOutput( )
System.out.println(month + " " + day + ", " + year);

public void setMonth(int monthNumber)
if ((monthNumber <= 0) || (monthNumber > 12))
System.out.println("Fatal Error");
month = monthString(monthNumber);

public void setDay(int day)
if ((day <= 0) || (day > 31))
System.out.println("Fatal Error");
this.day = day;

public void setYear(int year)
if ( (year < 1000) || (year > 9999) )
System.out.println("Fatal Error");
this.year = year;

public boolean equals(DateSixthTry otherDate)
return ( (month.equalsIgnoreCase(otherDate.month))
&& (day == otherDate.day) && (year == otherDate.year) );
public boolean precedes(DateSixthTry otherDate)
return ( (year < otherDate.year) ||
(year == otherDate.year && getMonth( ) < otherDate.getMonth( )) ||
(year == otherDate.year && month.equals(otherDate.month)
&& day < otherDate.day) );

public String toString( )
return (month + " " + day + ", " + year);

public int getDay( )
return day;

public int getYear( )
return year;

public int getMonth( )
if (month.equalsIgnoreCase("January"))
return 1;
else if (month.equalsIgnoreCase("February"))
return 2;
else if (month.equalsIgnoreCase("March"))
return 3;
else if (month.equalsIgnoreCase("April"))
return 4;
else if (month.equalsIgnoreCase("May"))
return 5;
else if (month.equals("June"))
return 6;
else if (month.equalsIgnoreCase("July"))
return 7;
else if (month.equalsIgnoreCase("August"))
return 8;
else if (month.equalsIgnoreCase("September"))
return 9;
else if (month.equalsIgnoreCase("October"))
return 10;
else if (month.equalsIgnoreCase("November"))
return 11;
else if (month.equalsIgnoreCase("December"))
return 12;
System.out.println("Fatal Error");
return 0; //Needed to keep the compiler happy

private String monthString(int monthNumber)
switch (monthNumber)
case 1:
return "January";
case 2:
return "February";
case 3:
return "March";
case 4:
return "April";
case 5:
return "May";
case 6:
return "June";
case 7:
return "July";
case 8:
return "August";
case 9:
return "September";
case 10:
return "October";
case 11:
return "November";

case 12:
return "December";
System.out.println("Fatal Error");
return "Error"; //to keep the compiler happy

public void setMonth(String month){ int monthInt;
if (month=="January")
{ monthInt= 1;}
else if (month=="February")
{ monthInt= 2;}
else if (month=="March")
{ monthInt= 3;}
else if (month=="April")
{ monthInt= 4;}
else if (month=="May")
{monthInt= 5;}
else if(month=="June")
{ monthInt= 6;}
else if (month=="July")
{ monthInt= 7;}
else if (month=="August")
{ monthInt= 8;}
else if (month=="September")
{ monthInt= 9;}
else if (month=="October")
{ monthInt= 10;}
else if (month=="November")
{ monthInt= 11;}
else if (month=="December")
{ monthInt= 12;}
System.out.println("Fatal Error");
{ monthInt= 0;} //Needed to keep the compiler happy


Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Lab Java Constructor


第2張圖加上 birthday.Date("Feb",1,2000); 會有錯誤
應該是 Date是類別名稱不能放在birthday物件後面當方法method和資料成員property使用