Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Lab Sorting

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Lab Static Method, Part II

public class complex
private double i,r;
public void setNumber(double a,double b)
public void add(complex num)
public void Output()
System.out.println("the answe="+i+"+"+r+"i");

Monday, December 18, 2006

Lab Static Method

Monday, December 11, 2006

Java Overloading

package pace01;

import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

public class DateSixthTry
private String month;
private int day;
private int year; //a four digit number.

public void setDate(int monthInt, int day, int year)
if (dateOK(monthInt, day, year))
this.month = monthString(monthInt);
this.day = day;
this.year = year;
System.out.println("Fatal Error");

public void setDate(String monthString, int day, int year)
if (dateOK(monthString, day, year))
this.month = monthString;
this.day = day;
this.year = year;
System.out.println("Fatal Error");

public void setDate(int year)
setDate(1, 1, year);

private boolean dateOK(int monthInt, int dayInt, int yearInt)
return ( (monthInt >= 1) && (monthInt <= 12) &&
(dayInt >= 1) && (dayInt <= 31) &&
(yearInt >= 1000) && (yearInt <= 9999) );

private boolean dateOK(String monthString, int dayInt, int yearInt)
return ( monthOK(monthString) &&
(dayInt >= 1) && (dayInt <= 31) &&
(yearInt >= 1000) && (yearInt <= 9999) );

private boolean monthOK(String month)
return (month.equals("January") || month.equals("February") ||
month.equals("March") || month.equals("April") ||
month.equals("May") || month.equals("June") ||
month.equals("July") || month.equals("August") ||
month.equals("September") || month.equals("October") ||
month.equals("November") || month.equals("December") );

public void readInput( )
boolean tryAgain = true;
String keyboard=JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter keybord");

while (tryAgain)
System.out.println("Enter month, day, and year.");
System.out.println("Do not use a comma.");
String monthInput = keyboard;
int dayInput = Integer.parseInt(keyboard);
int yearInput = Integer.parseInt(keyboard);
if (dateOK(monthInput, dayInput, yearInput) )
setDate(monthInput, dayInput, yearInput);
tryAgain = false;
System.out.println("Illegal date. Reenter input.");

public void writeOutput( )
System.out.println(month + " " + day + ", " + year);

public void setMonth(int monthNumber)
if ((monthNumber <= 0) || (monthNumber > 12))
System.out.println("Fatal Error");
month = monthString(monthNumber);

public void setDay(int day)
if ((day <= 0) || (day > 31))
System.out.println("Fatal Error");
this.day = day;

public void setYear(int year)
if ( (year < 1000) || (year > 9999) )
System.out.println("Fatal Error");
this.year = year;

public boolean equals(DateSixthTry otherDate)
return ( (month.equalsIgnoreCase(otherDate.month))
&& (day == otherDate.day) && (year == otherDate.year) );
public boolean precedes(DateSixthTry otherDate)
return ( (year < otherDate.year) ||
(year == otherDate.year && getMonth( ) < otherDate.getMonth( )) ||
(year == otherDate.year && month.equals(otherDate.month)
&& day < otherDate.day) );

public String toString( )
return (month + " " + day + ", " + year);

public int getDay( )
return day;

public int getYear( )
return year;

public int getMonth( )
if (month.equalsIgnoreCase("January"))
return 1;
else if (month.equalsIgnoreCase("February"))
return 2;
else if (month.equalsIgnoreCase("March"))
return 3;
else if (month.equalsIgnoreCase("April"))
return 4;
else if (month.equalsIgnoreCase("May"))
return 5;
else if (month.equals("June"))
return 6;
else if (month.equalsIgnoreCase("July"))
return 7;
else if (month.equalsIgnoreCase("August"))
return 8;
else if (month.equalsIgnoreCase("September"))
return 9;
else if (month.equalsIgnoreCase("October"))
return 10;
else if (month.equalsIgnoreCase("November"))
return 11;
else if (month.equalsIgnoreCase("December"))
return 12;
System.out.println("Fatal Error");
return 0; //Needed to keep the compiler happy

private String monthString(int monthNumber)
switch (monthNumber)
case 1:
return "January";
case 2:
return "February";
case 3:
return "March";
case 4:
return "April";
case 5:
return "May";
case 6:
return "June";
case 7:
return "July";
case 8:
return "August";
case 9:
return "September";
case 10:
return "October";
case 11:
return "November";

case 12:
return "December";
System.out.println("Fatal Error");
return "Error"; //to keep the compiler happy

public void setMonth(String month){ int monthInt;
if (month=="January")
{ monthInt= 1;}
else if (month=="February")
{ monthInt= 2;}
else if (month=="March")
{ monthInt= 3;}
else if (month=="April")
{ monthInt= 4;}
else if (month=="May")
{monthInt= 5;}
else if(month=="June")
{ monthInt= 6;}
else if (month=="July")
{ monthInt= 7;}
else if (month=="August")
{ monthInt= 8;}
else if (month=="September")
{ monthInt= 9;}
else if (month=="October")
{ monthInt= 10;}
else if (month=="November")
{ monthInt= 11;}
else if (month=="December")
{ monthInt= 12;}
System.out.println("Fatal Error");
{ monthInt= 0;} //Needed to keep the compiler happy


Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Lab Java Constructor


第2張圖加上 birthday.Date("Feb",1,2000); 會有錯誤
應該是 Date是類別名稱不能放在birthday物件後面當方法method和資料成員property使用